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A free site for all you warrior cat fans. Live the life of a warrior, protect you clan, and chat with other members.
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It's the season of Leaf-Bare.

Many clans are having a hard time. With warriors and apprentices, as well as kits, elders, and queens running short, many clans are weak.

April Gathering

April Medicine Cat Meeting

Badge Events:The Great War, Warrior's Quiz, and The Hunger Games


 Warriors Game

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Posts : 303
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Join date : 2012-02-15
Age : 23

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Clan: Thunderclan
Name: Moonstar
Rank: Leader

Warriors Game Empty
PostSubject: Warriors Game   Warriors Game EmptyWed May 23, 2012 4:59 pm

I have desided that this website needs a virtual game to go with it. After planing what the story will be like, I realized that I don't know how to make a video game! I could use all the help I could get. This includes:Cat names for the clans, sketches of objects donated, Problems for the clans, and lastly, someone willing to make the game itself. The person who makes it must know how to make games. They will be given as long as they need, even if it takes longer than a year. As a reward to their help, they will be allowed to become a moderator. PLEASE HELP!
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